SMME News is a monthly newspaper established to respond to the public policy imperative to enhance capacity building in local communities, especially for previously disadvantaged individuals and small, medium and micro enter- 47 prises (SMMEs) operating in rural, semi-rural and township environments. It is a project of Phumelela Farms and Projects - a primary co-operative owned and controlled mainly by black women. The publication’s main objective is to equip individuals who want to start their own businesses with the necessary skills and expertise to succeed.
The newspaper is published in isiZulu and English, and has focused on the rural, semi-rural and urban communities of KwaZulu-Natal, namely ILembe District Municipality, since 2016, but has plans to expand.
As a previous MDDA beneficiary, the project requested strengthening support to increase the print run and expand its distribution network to eThekwini and Ugu Municipalities.