Page 5 - mdda newsletter cover [Recovered]2
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Minister in the Presidency, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni The year 2024 marks 30 years of democracy in South
accompanied by the Deputy Minister in the Presidency ,Ms Africa, and it is also an election year where citizens can
Nomasonto Motaung, Members of the Executive Council in exercise their democratic right to vote. The media,
Mpumalanga and Media Development and Diversity especially community media therefore plays a crucial role in
Agency’s (MDDA) Board Chairperson Professor Hlengani providing access to relevant, reliable and timely information
Mathebu on Tuesday 9 January 2024, led the o upon which citizens can make informed choices.
unveiling of state-of-the-ar studios Kanyamazane F in
Mpumalanga. Kanyamazane community radio station was licensed by
ICASA in 199 to provide community radio service to the
The unveiling forms part of the MDDA’s ongoing work to community of Kanyamazane near Mbombela in
support the development and diversity of community and Mpumalanga. The station has been operational for 26
small commercial media. Community media forms a vital years, and is the firs time has been funded by the
part of any society, as it ensures that communities are MDDA. The languages of broadcas are 65 siSwati, 15
represented and reflected as part of a diverse nation. It IsiZulu, 15 English & 5 Townsh Lingo. The unveiling of the
engages people fro differen cultures and backgrounds, brand-new broadcas studios for Kanyamazane F
and through the use of indigenous languages advances signifies the MDDA’s mission to suppor the developmen of
dialogue and promotes participatory democracy. vibrant, innovative, and people-centred community
media sector.