To establish the Media Development and Diversity Agency; to provide for its objective and functions; to provide for the constitution of the Board and the management of the Agency by the Board; to provide for the chief executive officer and other staff of the Agency; to provide for the finances of the Agency; to provide for the support of projects aimed at promoting media development and diversity; and to provide for matters connected therewith.
The Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) is guided by a number of relevant and related legislation, which it is required to comply with, including and most importantly the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa. Key amongst these laws, is
The MDDA Act, 2002 MDDA Regulations
2003 The Public Finance Management Act No,1 of 1999
The Electronic Communication Act No 35 of 2005
The Constitution Act 108 of 1999
The labour Relation Act No 96 of 1995