Kleva Nkeva Online is a news and information publication of Kleva Nkeva Pty Ltd, which, founded in January 2017, is a 100% black- owned community-based company operating in the rural sphere in the OR Tambo District Municipality. Its vision is to catalyse development of the Mpondoland region in the Eastern Cape. The company also has strong presence on social media platforms: Facebook (www.facebook.com/kleva.nkeva.58), Twitter (@KlevaNkeva) and YouTube (Kleva Nkeva). Kleva Nkeva Pty Ltd has been appointed as the media partner for the annual week long youth development event, the Ingquza Hill Mayoral Week, and was also selected to implement the 2017 National Science Week activities in the Mpondoland area.
While the company is primarily targeting the Mpondoland community in the iNgquza Hill Local Municipality, as an online news and information source, the publication will also be able to reach iNgquza Hill expatriates in other parts of the country and the world.
Kleva Nkeva aims to be a reliable source of information that is relatable to the community within the context of its heritage and diversity. It will also be a tool to promote Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics & Innovation (STEMI) subjects in a simple and practical manner to school learners and general community members. The MDDA grant covers human capital, equipment, telecommunications, bank charges and audit fees.