EzakwaZulu News is located in KwaNyuswa, EThekwini Municipality in KwaZulu- Natal. The newspaper was registered in 2007 by a sole owner and is distributed free of charge on a fortnightly basis. The areas covered are Durban city centre, Pinetown, Berea, KwaNdengezi, Klaarwater, Clermont, KwaDabeka, Chatsworth, Hammarsdale and Pietermaritzburg.
EzakwaZulu News is 100% isiZulu and its content is geared towards promoting and increasing pride in isiZulu as a language. It is a communication tool that brings information to the majority of people in and around EThekwini District Municipality on careers, health and lifestyle. It also encourages a culture of reading. With the current MDDA grant, EzakwaZulu News has been able to increase its print run from 8 000 to 10 000, which has expanded its distribution reach into areas of KwaXimba, Swayimane and Mkhizwane. The MDDA grant covers printing and distribution, equipment, telecommunications, personnel costs, audit fees and bank charges.