Dizindaba Newspaper was founded in 2007 as a Close Cooperation, and later re-
registered in 2010 as a (Pty) Ltd. The publication is a free 12-page weekly tabloid
published in IsiXhosa (95%) and English (5%). The 5% English is the sports section.
The project aims to bridge the communication and information gap that exists
between the isiXhosa-speaking people of the Western Cape province, and the
different spheres of government including the business community. The newspaper
is specifically targeted at the isiXhosa-speaking communities largely found in the
townships and informal settlements in the Western Cape (Khayelitsha, Gugulethu,
Langa, etc).
Currently, prominent newspapers that are circulating in these communities are
written either in English or Afrikaans, and as result, do not meet the cultural and
information necessity that exists in these communities.