
Seepakgang Local News

Seepakgang Local News is a monthly publication that is produced by Seepakgang Publications and Projects Pty Ltd, which was registered in January 2014 by a young black female entrepreneur. The newspaper caters for the information needs of people from the Ramotshere Moiloa Local Municipality (spanning 43 villages) in Zeerust, North West.

The newspaper is published in the two languages that have the majority of speakers in the region, which is 80% Setswana and 20% English. Seepakgang Local News serves communities that mostly work in mines, which is the backbone of the economy in the North West province.

Seepakgang Local News is distributed in municipalities that are remote, have poor infrastructure and previously solely relied on mainstream media for information, which does not necessarily address the local challenges that affect these communities.

The MDDA grant covers printing and distribution, equipment, running costs, personnel costs and website maintenance

Access to diversified media for all