
Humula News

Humula News was established in 2016 by a board of six directors after identifying a gap for an alternative community newspaper around the town and area of Malamulele, which falls under the Collins Chabane Local Municipality in Limpopo. The directors play an oversight role, and the project is fully accountable to the community.

Humula News will be published monthly in a tabloid format in XiTsonga and TshiVenda, which are two of the predominantly spoken languages in the area. The newspaper will cater to the needs of the entire community with a specific focus on young people and issues that affect them and seeks to promote the use of and respect of indigenous languages, especially amongst the youth.

The MDDA grant covers printing and distribution, running costs and personnel costs.s printing and distribution, equipment, running costs, personnel costs and website maintenance

Access to diversified media for all